Weighing the balance between staying in and FOMO.
By Brandon Rizzuto
You know that moment when you’re laying down, you got your favorite show on, you’re wearing that pajama shirt that you haven’t washed in weeks, maybe you’re even in a Snuggie, and then you remember: Shit, I’m supposed to hang out with Kevin today. Fucking Kevin. I mean, sure you like Kevin. He’s your best friend. He’s been with you through some hard times, but it’s equally harder to get up from the couch right now. And then you gotta put on pants? Are you kidding me?
Staying home is a beautiful thing, and leaving your house to embrace the outside world and friendship is just… a lot of work. You’re just so relaxed right now! At this point, Kevin is just imposing on your happiness. So who’s really the bad guy here? You start staring at your phone, weighing the options. Will Kevin be mad if you cancel just this once? Is the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) really that strong? Didn’t he cancel plans last month, when you actually wanted to go out? You looked fresh as hell that night. How dare he do that?
(You last month.)
If only there was a way to say “Hey, man. I don’t feel like going out anymore,” without sounding like an asshole. If only it was socially acceptable to say “Yeah, I know I’m always saying we should go bowling, but that was before I was 3 hours in to this Brooklyn 99 binge. Also, it was before my couch got this nice me-shaped groove in it. I worked hard on this.” Why should we feel bad about that?
Mostly because it’s mean to the other person. You’re lucky if it just disappoints them, but on a deeper psychological level, you can be making them feel lonely, unwanted, foolish, etc, all things you do not want to make your friends feel. And this is all if you just canceled this one time. If you’re known for being a flake then don’t be surprised when you stop getting invited to things. “Should we invite Harry? Nah, never mind, he won’t come anyway. He never does.” Yeah, that’s right, Harry. I’m calling you out. Jerk.
But you’re not Harry. You’re you! You’re always going out! Can’t you stay home just this once? What’s the worst that can happen? Let’s do a pros and cons list real quick:
- It’s still kind of early, you have at least an hour left where it will be just enough notice to cancel in a socially acceptable way.
- If your plans were a group-hang, there’s still enough people going that the night won’t be ruined by you not showing up. (However, see Con #2.)
- Work was so stressful this week. You need some Me Time.
- Have you watched the news lately? The outside world is insanely dangerous. Kevin isn’t cool enough to risk your life.
- The place you’re supposed to go to tonight is never as fun as you expect it to be. (See Con #5.)
- It’s cold/hot out and you don’t fit into your weather appropriate clothes anymore because you gained a bunch of weight by always going drinking/eating with your needy ass friends.
- In the words of Eric Forman:
- If you cancel now, who knows if you’ll be invited out next time? You don’t want to set a precedent for flaking.
- Everyone’s going to have fun without you.
- Everyone’s going to have fun without you and say “Wow, why do we even hang out with (your name here)?”
- You’re young, you should be going out having adventures!
- What if tonight’s the night that place is fun?
- If you cancel is Kevin just going to hang out with Jake instead? You hate Jake. Doesn’t Jake know Kevin’s only allowed to have one best friend? Who does he think he is?
- Did I mention everyone’s going to have fun without you?
If you notice, the Pros and Cons are tied. And they’ll always be tied. Canceling or not canceling plans is just a tug of war between you and FOMO. And if I learned anything in life it’s that FOMO will always win. Yeah, you’re going to feel great after you cancel, but FOMO will still rear its’ ugly head once you open social media. FOMO thrives on social media. After you send that cancel text and you’re elbow deep in a big bag of Cheetos, you’ll find yourself watching people’s Snapchat Stories and go “What the hell am I doing with my life? I should be going out and having fun! I should be writing a play! I should be donating to charity! I don’t even like Cheetos that much!”
(All because you canceled on Kevin.)
Some people are blessed with an immunity to FOMO. They’re called old people. There’s nothing an old person wants to do more than stay home. Older people understand that canceling on your friend once doesn’t mean that the friendship is over. They all understand that life is rough and sometimes you just got to stay in, and not go out and be social. Please. That will flair up their agita .
But if you’re like me and haven’t yet grown into your FOMO immunity just relax. For the most part, one cancellation won’t break a friendship. If you’re not up to going out, cancel! Live your life to the fullest by living life to the dullest! A true friendship never dies, but your favorite TV show will eventually. Kevin will understand. Go on. Send that text out right now. I’ll be waiting. ...Are you back yet? Did you cancel? How did that feel?
There we go. Just sit back and watch some TV. And hey, if your FOMO is too strong, you can always text Kevin again. “Hey man, turns out my Grandma didn’t die. False alarm. We’re all really happy, let’s go out! What do you mean you’re already made plans with Jake? Cancel them! I’m your best friend!”
BRANDON RIZZUTO is a writer and sometimes Post Coordinator for TV shows. If he’s canceled plans with you in the past, just know he didn’t do it carelessly. He’s at least made a pros & cons list and had a heart-to-heart with his Mom about it first. He just really needed his Me Time. You understand.
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