My Last Crazytown Post....For Now
By Sam Perwin
While I think it's safe to say that no one will be sad to see 2016 go, this year brings to the end my time at Crazytown. It's been a wonderful three and a half years and I'm so grateful for what Crazytown has done, not only for my blogging experience but for my writing. The exercise of coming up with a post every week for three years has tested the limits of my creativity - I'm reminded, as I often am, of the Sex & the City episode in which Carrie fears she is about to get fired for writing a column about men as french fries and instead she gets a book deal. Sadly, I'm not about to announce that someone has decided to publish my Crazytown writings (though if anyone in publishing is reading this, the rights are available! We'll talk).
Thank you, Crazytown, for letting me live out all my Carrie Bradshaw fantasies...
I also have always appreciated a good deadline, and my weekly one for this blog has made a habit of putting down my thoughts on (virtual) paper, something I've always done but not with this kind of regularity. There are pages and pages of evidence to show that I am, in fact, a writer. Strangely, that's a moniker I've never been very comfortable with, despite my love for the printed word. Friends and family have been telling me for years to write more, and yet, as I've written about in this very blog (ironically enough), my desire for success as an actor has always been in the back of my mind saying "if you lose focus, you'll never be successful." As much as I know this is true, I have found it hard to make space and dedicate time to writing. Crazytown has helped that immensely - not just by forcing me to write blog posts, but by making think more about my writing and what I want to do with it.
Thus, as you may or may not have known from my post at the end of October. I am going to take my blogging to a slightly wider audience as a new contributor for the Huffington Post. My goal in 2017 is to post there monthly - I've already got something in the works for January 2017. Stay tuned! I'm also trying to make a little room in my life for a new weekly writing project I'll announce shortly on all forms of social media (are you following me!? If not, feel very free to click any of the social media links below). And finally, I've got two plays that desperately need to be finished. This is the year. So thanks, Crazytown readers, David, RSO, and all the lovely writers I've worked with here. You've made me the writer I am today.
SAM PERWIN Actor. Singer. Writer. Tall.
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