A little career slump pick-me-up to remind you to "keep on swimming".
By Kat Flynn (Actor)
Last week I was really, really bummed. The year's almost over and apart of me feels like I have nothing to show for it. I know these are LIES. But, when you're feeling like you haven't progressed, the lies start to sound right. ANYWAY- I was submitting to agents again, as I'm yet to be signed with anyone, and following up with a production company, about my consideration for an audition, when I was telling my husband how horrible I was starting to feel about it all. GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION. But how else am I supposed to feel, ya know? Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to the air. Like these emails/letters/CVs/headshots are invisible.
My husband shared with me a story about these two frogs...
Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl,
One was an optimistic soul;
But the other took the gloomy view,
"We shall drown," he cried, without more ado.
So with a lasting despairing cry,
He flung up his legs and said, "Good-bye."
Quoth the other frog with a merry grim,
"I can't get out, but I won't give in.
I'll just swim round till my strength is spent,
Then will I die the more content."
Bravely he swam till it would seem
His struggles began to churn the cream.
On the top of the butter at last he stopped,
And out of the bowl he gaily hopped.
What of the moral? 'Tis easily found:
If you can't hop out, keep swimming around."
-Walter Knight, Kinght's Master book of New Illustrations
But, it also reminded me of the quote by Jacob Riis. Mr. David Custer, my high school choir director, instilled in his students a strong work ethic. It's almost been two years since his passing, and yet, I hear him all the time. So when my husband shared this story with me, it reminded me of the quote Mr. Custer had on his Facebook profile page, with the stonecutter hammering away. The story and the quote gave me the motivation I need to continue to "keep swimming around".
It's so hard right now. I knew this. I knew this. But, I will persevere. I will keep hammering away. I have to.
KAT FLYNN is an American Expat living & working in Great Britain. www.katflynn.com
Such a wonderful quote, and a panacea for all the sludge we're trudging through. I'm right there with you. It seems every Monday for the past few months all I've wanted to do is throw in the towel, but hearing stories from people going through the same thing keep me going. Thank you for sharing!
Posted by: Kathleen Choe | Monday, October 03, 2016 at 05:04 PM