From a Film Perspective Anyway
Kate West (Writer)
In the world of sports, people can get pretty passionate. And since I have kind of an entertainment background, I can get pretty riled up about sports too, at least from a cinematic point of view. Since the baseball season is almost over, I just remembered an argument I had with my brother over whether baseball or football was the subject of more movies. He said there were just as many football movies as baseball and I insisted it was baseball.
A little background first. I used to be a San Francisco Giants fan.
Well, I still am, just not as passionately. Kind of like feeling nostalgic for an ex without really feeling the same way about him anymore. They broke my heart too many times so after 2002's crushing World Series (yes, they lost, no, I don't want to talk about it) I stopped paying attention. I was happy for them when they finally, finally won in 2010, but from a distance. Don't get me wrong, I will always hate the Los Angeles Dodgers (sorry L.A., I made a promise a long time ago), but I don't think I will ever feel that same strong rush of emotion for my boys.
The Natural
Field of Dreams
Bull Durham
The Bad News Bears
A League of Their Own
The Rookie
The Babe
Eight Men Out
Angels in the Outfield
Damn! Yankees (see, I know I could sneak some theater in there)
Major League
The Perfect Game
For the Love of the Game
Pride of the Yankees
The Pride of St. Louis
The Sandlot
Bang the Drum Slowly
Fever Pitch
Rookie of the Year
Summer Catch
Game 6
The Stratton Story
The Jackie Robinson Story
Ken Burns Baseball
Soul of the Game
The Scout
The Winning Season
And if I remember correctly, my brother said:
Knute Rockne
Friday Night Lights
The Longest Yard
Any Given Sunday
Remember the Titans
Brian's Song
The Blind Side
Varsity Blues
Heaven Can Wait
Jerry Maguire
I know there are a lot more, on both sides, but I've poked around the internet a tad and saw this discussion come up a few times and it seems to me baseball always wins. But I've been wrong before (ah-hem 2002 SF Giants).
Oh well. Play ball!
Kate West Kate West has an extensive theatrical background and has been reviewing plays, musicals, one-acts, improv, comedy sketch and much more since 2003.
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